Sunday, January 20, 2019

All Bihar households set to get prepaid smart meters in next 4-5 years

The Bihar government is set to install prepaid smart meters in all households across the state in the next four to five years, an official said. During the last two to three years, the state, on an experimental basis, has installed the smart meters in 6,000 to 7,000 government quarters, he said. Now, the initiative will be extended to other parts of the state, he said. The idea behind installing prepaid meters is to check power theft and minimise the aggregate technical and commercial (AT&C) losses of the distribution companies, which is expected to be around 28 per cent in 2018-19, he added. North and south Bihar power distribution companies cater to the needs of power supply to more than 1.3 crore consumers in the state. "We have already started installing prepaid meters for agriculture feeders. We are going with a proposal to the government for converting all the meters into prepaid smart meters over a period of four to five years. Perhaps, Bihar will be the first

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